What is a CDN and should you be using a one?
Updated 16th August 2022
In this post, we are going to take a closer look at how CDN’s (Content Delivery Networks) work and what the advantages and disadvantages are of using a CDN to delivery your users static assets such as images, CSS files or JavaScript files. You will learn what a CDN does exactly, how it can prevent
Laravel php artisan make:auth command not defined
Updated 11th August 2022
Laravel 6.0 LTS came with a lot of changes to the framework, apart from moving the the new Semantic Versioning, Laravels famous php artisan make:auth command was dropped. php artisan make:auth Before the Laravel make:auth command would create all the Migrations, Models, Controllers and Routes needed to easily setup an authenticatable application in seconds. However,
Laravel 419 page expired after login [SOLVED]
Updated 1st January 2024
Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, dominating the space since 2014, and the chosen framework by many new PHP developers. Many new developers run into the same errors when first using the framework, the most common being a 419 Page Expired error on a form post. What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? Cross-site request
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