
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

PHP usage

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5 Reasons to Use an IDE for Programming

Updated 3rd August 2022

If you’re a programmer, then you know how important it is to have the right tools for the job. And one of the most important tools for any programmer is an IDE, or integrated development environment. Let’s look at some reasons to use an IDE. What is an IDE? An IDE is a suite of

How to install PostGIS

Updated 2nd October 2023

PostGIS is a plugin which adds support for storing, indexing and querying geographic data in PostgreSQL databases. To get started with PostGIS, you will need to install the extension on your PostgreSQL database. If you are using PostgreSQL as a service from a cloud provider, you may already have PostGIS installed. How to check if

How to setup a remote MySQL database connection in PHPStorm

Updated 1st October 2023

PHPStorm is packed full of features designed to make the development process for PHP developers efficient and streamlined. Although Jetbrains have a standalone product for interacting with databases, named DataGrip, PHPStrom ships with the Database Tools and SQL plugin. This tools is powerful, integrated directly within the IDE, and provides a convinient way to intract