
JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm programming language.

List of programming languages used for Web Development

Updated 16th August 2022

programming languages used for web development

There are a wide variety of programming languages that can be used for web development. Which one you choose depends on your preferences and needs. Some languages are better suited for certain tasks than others. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular languages used for web development. JavaScript PHP

Destructuring in JavaScript

Updated 16th August 2022

Destructuring In JavaScript

Introduced in ES6, Destructuring in JavaScript is a way to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. What is a use-case of Destructuring in JavaScript? Until ES6, if we wanted to extract data from an array we would have to do something similar to: let message = ; let greeting

JavaScript Spread & Rest Operators

Updated 28th July 2022

JavaScript Spread & Rest Operators

In JavaScript, three dots ( … ) are used for both the Spread and Rest operators. Spread and Rest perform different actions. Let’s learn what the JavaScript Spread & Rest Operators do. JavaScript Spread Operator The JavaScript Spread Operator ( … ) allows us to copy and split an Array or Object into another Array

What is a front-end application?

Updated 16th August 2022

Front-end web development meme

What is a front-end application? If you’re new to Web Development, there may be many terms you hear that you’re unsure what they mean. Don’t worry, this is all part of the learning experience and you will pick these terms up as you progress in your journey to becoming a web developer. In this post,

Vue 3 Popup Modal Component – Create a Modal

Updated 23rd August 2022

Vue 3 Quickstart

In this post, I’m going to show you how to create a Popup Modal Component in Vue 3. This Popup Modal will use the built-in transition component. The Modal we will create looks a lot like the Modal Dialogs used by Apple in iOS. We will use Tailwind CSS for styling. What is Vue?  Vue

Angular Material Dialog

Updated 16th August 2022


Angular is an awesome framework, yet it does have a steep learning curve for many developers. This post is aimed at those with experience using Angular 2/4/5 who want to use the Angular Material Dialog. This post will assume you have already installed the @angular/material library. If you have I would refer you to take

Angular: Call a Parent method in Child Component using @Output

Updated 16th August 2022


In JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, it’s common for components to communicate with each other and send data back and forth. In this post, I will show you how to call a parent method from a child component in Angular with the @Output decorator using EventEmitters. In all JavaScript frameworks, it’s common for child components