World Population 1804-2058

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How to transform geometries with PostGIS

Updated 2nd October 2023

PostGIS is a power extention for PostgreSQL databases. It provides a suite of tools to handle and manipulate geographic data. At times, you may need to transform geometries with PostGIS for different base maps or to perform more accurate calculations, such as calculating the area of a polygon. Transform geometry with PostGIS PostGIS has a

The importance of Core Web Vitals for SEO

Updated 16th August 2022

As a website owner or developer, you know how important it is to have a fast and responsive site. But did you know that there are now specific metrics that measure a site’s performance? These metrics, called Core Web Vitals, can help you identify areas of your site that need improvement and form a large

How to install PostGIS

Updated 2nd October 2023

PostGIS is a plugin which adds support for storing, indexing and querying geographic data in PostgreSQL databases. To get started with PostGIS, you will need to install the extension on your PostgreSQL database. If you are using PostgreSQL as a service from a cloud provider, you may already have PostGIS installed. How to check if