
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

North American total solar eclipse April 2024

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How to set up SSH on Raspberry Pi

Updated 16th August 2022

In this post, I am going to show you how to set up SSH on a Raspberry Pi. Step 1: Raspberry Pi config menu First, open a new terminal and execute the command below to open the Raspberry Pi config menu. sudo rasps-config  Select “Interfacing Options” and press ENTER. Then select “SSH” and press ENTER. 

Prevent Chrome and Firefox auto-filling password

Updated 16th August 2022

Do you have a user management page where users are able to update their account passwords? Do you have form validation that checks a password field against a confirmation password field but the validation fails because the browser has auto-filled the values? In this article, you will learn how to prevent Chrome and Firefox from

Angular: Call a Parent method in Child Component using @Output

Updated 16th August 2022

In JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, it’s common for components to communicate with each other and send data back and forth. In this post, I will show you how to call a parent method from a child component in Angular with the @Output decorator using EventEmitters. In all JavaScript frameworks, it’s common for child components