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How to check Composer version – Install and use Composer for PHP

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Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. First released in 2012, Composer, and its adoption by popular frameworks such as Laravel has single-handedly driven the rise in PHP adoption in recent years. In this post, I will show you how to install and use Composer. How to install Composer To get started, download Composer from

MySQL 8: Create user and grant all privileges on database

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Learn how to create a new user in MySQL 8 and grant all privileges on a database. MySQL 8 introduced performance and security updates. Released in April 2018, MySQL 8 was the first major release since MySQL 5.7 in 2015. With MySQL 5.7 end of support looming in October 2023, it’s a good idea to

How to access Laravel env variables in Vue.js | Laravel MIX

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Using Laravel and Vue together is a common approach as it allows the MVC framework to handle the logic, and an application-like user interface for the frontend. Learn how to use Laravel environment variables in Vue.js. MIX Environment Varaibles Vue js files are compiled by Laravel Mix. To have Mix compile your environment variables from