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Vue 3 Popup Modal Component – Create a Modal

Updated 23rd August 2022

In this post, I’m going to show you how to create a Popup Modal Component in Vue 3. This Popup Modal will use the built-in transition component. The Modal we will create looks a lot like the Modal Dialogs used by Apple in iOS. We will use Tailwind CSS for styling. What is Vue?  Vue

Laravel 9: How to Add a New Column to an Existing Table in a Migration

Updated 1st October 2023

Laravel has a number of features designed to make developing web applications easier and faster. Migrations in Laravel allows us to manage the structure of our databases. In this post, you will learn how to add a new column to an existing table in a migration. Create a new migration file First, we need to

What are next-gen image formats?

Updated 17th March 2022

Google Page Insights is a useful tool used to report on the performance of webpages on both mobile and desktop devices and provide suggestions on how the page can be improved. A common suggestion many websites are given is ‘Serve images in next-gen formats’, but what are next-gen image formats? Next-gen image formats provide superior