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How to use Microsoft Graph API with Laravel

Updated 1st January 2024

Microsoft Graph is a gateway to data and intelligence within Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph is great to build apps for organizations and consumers using the vast amount of data stored in Microsoft 365. In this post, we are going to integrate with Microsoft Graph API in Laravel to get all users assigned to your tenant.

WSL vs Dual Boot speed test

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In this experiment, I will be using WSL2 running Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 dual-booted on the same Dell XPS. Is there a noticeable difference? Follow along for the results of the WSL vs Dual Boot speed test. If you are like me and use different development environments a lot, you may find the results

Setting up SSH with BitBucket

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Setting up your project using a remote repository over SSH can become a painful task for new and even the most seasoned developers. In this article we cover how to set up BitBucket SSH. Repositories not found, incorrect permissions and issues when using your SSH key can all occur, and become very stressful. Below are