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Start WSL2 services on Windows startup

Updated 16th August 2022

In some circumstances, you may want to automatically start your WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) services on Windows startup such as Apache2, Nginx, and MySQL. Follow along below to learn how to start your services when you boot your machine. Create a startup script The first step is to create a startup script. This is

Can you sneeze while asleep?

Updated 4th August 2022

Have you ever wondered if you can sneeze while asleep? It’s definitely not the kind of question most people ask themselves when they wake up in the morning. Usually, you might sneeze as a result of your body ejecting an allergen or as a response to a virus. Neither allergens nor viruses care if you’re

Laravel 419 page expired after login [SOLVED]

Updated 1st January 2024

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, dominating the space since 2014, and the chosen framework by many new PHP developers. Many new developers run into the same errors when first using the framework, the most common being a 419 Page Expired error on a form post.  What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? Cross-site request