Destructuring in JavaScript
Updated 16th August 2022
Introduced in ES6, Destructuring in JavaScript is a way to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. What is a use-case of Destructuring in JavaScript? Until ES6, if we wanted to extract data from an array we would have to do something similar to: let message = ; let greeting
How to use Microsoft Graph API with Laravel
Updated 1st January 2024
Microsoft Graph is a gateway to data and intelligence within Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph is great to build apps for organizations and consumers using the vast amount of data stored in Microsoft 365. In this post, we are going to integrate with Microsoft Graph API in Laravel to get all users assigned to your tenant.
Can you sneeze while asleep?
Updated 4th August 2022
Have you ever wondered if you can sneeze while asleep? It’s definitely not the kind of question most people ask themselves when they wake up in the morning. Usually, you might sneeze as a result of your body ejecting an allergen or as a response to a virus. Neither allergens nor viruses care if you’re
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