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How to use Laravel Factory in Database Seeders

Updated 16th August 2022

Laravel factories are a great way to add test data to your database in bulk. This saves time, removing the need to write methods to insert data for each column manually. Follow along to learn how to use Laravel Factory in Database Seeders.  To get started, create a new model. The model we will create

Technical SEO Audit – How to Improve Your Website’s search ranking

Updated 16th August 2022

As a website owner or administrator, you likely want your site to rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs). After all, higher SERP rankings can mean more organic traffic and potential customers or clients. One way to improve your website’s ranking is to perform a technical SEO audit. A technical SEO audit can help

How to setup a remote MySQL database connection in PHPStorm

Updated 1st October 2023

PHPStorm is packed full of features designed to make the development process for PHP developers efficient and streamlined. Although Jetbrains have a standalone product for interacting with databases, named DataGrip, PHPStrom ships with the Database Tools and SQL plugin. This tools is powerful, integrated directly within the IDE, and provides a convinient way to intract