Top 3 CSS Frameworks in 2022
Updated 1st August 2022
Building and designing websites and web applications has become confusing. It can feel like every week there are new JavaScript frameworks to build your front-end applications and new packages to enhance the user experience. Thankfully, the same can’t be said for CSS. Here are the Top 3 CSS Frameworks by popularity, so you know they
How to exclude an IP Address from Google Analytics
Updated 16th August 2022
Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking your website traffic, analyzing trends, and seeing the fruits of your labor if you’re currently trying out a new marketing strategy. However, if you’re like me and on your website a lot, the last thing you want is to unintentionally pollute your Google Analytics data. In this
Pixel Tracking in PHP
Updated 16th August 2022
When creating email campaigns, it’s important to know how many recipients actually opened your email. This information can help you determine if your efforts are working or if it’s time to change your strategy. Most mail champaign tools such as Mailchimp and SendInBlue use a technique called Pixel Tracking. In this post, you will learn
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