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Understand Angular Decorators – What is a Decorator in Angular?

Updated 29th March 2022

Decorators are a core concept when developing applications with Angular. Angular.js, Angular’s predecessor, didn’t use Decorators, opting to use methods such as .component() instead. In this post, I will help you understand Angular decorators. What is a Decorator? A Decorator is a special kind of declaration provided by TypeScript that can be attached to a

How to use Laravel Factory in Database Seeders

Updated 16th August 2022

Laravel factories are a great way to add test data to your database in bulk. This saves time, removing the need to write methods to insert data for each column manually. Follow along to learn how to use Laravel Factory in Database Seeders.  To get started, create a new model. The model we will create

Laravel – Specified key was too long Error

Updated 18th May 2021

With Laravel 5.4, some users may be hit with the Laravel Specified key was too long Error when migrating the database. This is because in the latest Laravel update, the developers made changes to the default database charset, making it utf8mb4. If your using MySQL 5.7.7 or higher, you won’t encounter this issue, however older versions of MySQL