Laravel Trusted Proxies

By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

Laravel Trusted Proxies

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JDBC Connector Communication link failure error to MySQL

Updated 3rd January 2024

Are you having trouble connecting to a MySQL database through JDBC Connector in a database management tool such as DBeaver Community Edition? DBeaver fails to connect to a local MySQL database with the error “Communication link failure the last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago“. Here is a breakdown of this

How to transform geometries with PostGIS

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PostGIS is a power extention for PostgreSQL databases. It provides a suite of tools to handle and manipulate geographic data. At times, you may need to transform geometries with PostGIS for different base maps or to perform more accurate calculations, such as calculating the area of a polygon. Transform geometry with PostGIS PostGIS has a

Laravel php artisan make:auth command not defined

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Laravel 6.0 LTS came with a lot of changes to the framework, apart from moving the the new Semantic Versioning, Laravels famous php artisan make:auth command was dropped. php artisan make:auth Before the Laravel make:auth command would create all the Migrations, Models, Controllers and Routes needed to easily setup an authenticatable application in seconds. However,