
TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript.

Understand Angular Decorators – What is a Decorator in Angular?

Updated 29th March 2022


Decorators are a core concept when developing applications with Angular. Angular.js, Angular’s predecessor, didn’t use Decorators, opting to use methods such as .component() instead. In this post, I will help you understand Angular decorators. What is a Decorator? A Decorator is a special kind of declaration provided by TypeScript that can be attached to a

Angular: Call a Parent method in Child Component using @Output

Updated 16th August 2022


In JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, it’s common for components to communicate with each other and send data back and forth. In this post, I will show you how to call a parent method from a child component in Angular with the @Output decorator using EventEmitters. In all JavaScript frameworks, it’s common for child components