30th January 2024
The longest runway in the world is 16,404 ft long - Learn more
What is an IP Address and how to find yours
Updated 16th August 2022
You may have heard the term “IP Address” and not sure what it actually means. In this article you’ll learn what an IP Address is and how to find yours. In short, an IP Address is a unique string of characters that identifies a device over a network. Every device that connects to an internet
How to Upload and Download files to and from a Linux server over SSH
Updated 16th August 2022
Its common place to need to upload and download files to and from a remote Linux server. To upload and download files from a remote Linux server you can use the scp (secure copy) command. To download a file you can use: To upload a file you can use: scp /path/to/file/your/uploading username@ip-or-server-name:/path/to/location/to/upload/to Note: It is
How to generate an SSH key and add to authorized_keys
Updated 16th August 2022
In this article we explain how to generate a SSH key for your local machine and add your public key to the authorized_keys on a remote server. Generate an SSH key for Windows, MAC and Linux Note: If you are using Windows, we recommend you use a SSH client like PuTTY. For MAC/Linux run: ssh-keygen
How to grant full privileges to a user in MySQL
Updated 16th August 2022
After setting up a lamp stack development environement with phpmyadmin locally on Linux you may notice that your phpmyadmin user (or other user name) doesn’t have the correct privileges to create new databases. To use the phpmyadmin user to create new databases and users for those databases you need to grant full privileges to the
Laravel php artisan make:auth command not defined
Updated 11th August 2022
Laravel 6.0 LTS came with a lot of changes to the framework, apart from moving the the new Semantic Versioning, Laravels famous php artisan make:auth command was dropped. php artisan make:auth Before the Laravel make:auth command would create all the Migrations, Models, Controllers and Routes needed to easily setup an authenticatable application in seconds. However,
[SOLVED 2022] Permission denied in WSL: Apache2 startup failed
Updated 10th June 2022
Windows Subsystem for Linux is a great tool for Web Developers using the Windows operating system. With the release of WSL2 which brought the introduction of a real Linux Kernal, the environment saw huge speed improvements, cementing itself as the preferred development environment for many developers. However, some Windows updates have proven to cause problems
The ULTIMATE guide to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL and PHP
Updated 16th August 2022
Windows is now good for development! Yes! All thanks to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). No more WAMP or Xampp, WSL can do everything you need. In this ultimate guide to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL, and PHP we will cover: What is Windows Subsystem for Linux? Setting up Windows Subsystem
WordPress wp-admin redirects to HTTPS
Updated 18th May 2021
Does your WordPress wp-admin redirect to https rather than http? Below is a simple tutorial to stop this from happening. First, check the siteurl in the wp_options table within your database. Make sure the option_value is your site address with http:// not https://. If your siteurl is set as http:// the try the following. Open
Angular Material Dialog
Updated 16th August 2022
Angular is an awesome framework, yet it does have a steep learning curve for many developers. This post is aimed at those with experience using Angular 2/4/5 who want to use the Angular Material Dialog. This post will assume you have already installed the @angular/material library. If you have I would refer you to take
Bootstrap 4 Grid System broken in Safari
Updated 18th May 2021
Are you having troubles with Bootstrap 4 Grid System in Safari? What used to work doesn’t seem to anymore within Safari. As the example below shows, this is how we usually create 3 columns within a row. <div class="row"> <div class="col-4">Column 4</div> <div class="col-4">Column 4</div> <div class="col-4">Column 4</div> </div> However, in Safari, instead of these