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[SOLVED 2022] Permission denied in WSL: Apache2 startup failed

Updated 10th June 2022

Windows Subsystem for Linux is a great tool for Web Developers using the Windows operating system. With the release of WSL2 which brought the introduction of a real Linux Kernal, the environment saw huge speed improvements, cementing itself as the preferred development environment for many developers. However, some Windows updates have proven to cause problems

SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design

Updated 16th August 2022

When building software it’s important to follow best practices and adhere to principles set out by industry leaders. In this post, we will explore the SOLID Principles. SOLID stands for: S – Single-responsibility principle O – Open-closed Principle L – Liskov Substitution Principle I – Interface Segregation Principle D – Dependency Inversion Principle Great! But

Laravel – Specified key was too long Error

Updated 18th May 2021

With Laravel 5.4, some users may be hit with the Laravel Specified key was too long Error when migrating the database. This is because in the latest Laravel update, the developers made changes to the default database charset, making it utf8mb4. If your using MySQL 5.7.7 or higher, you won’t encounter this issue, however older versions of MySQL