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Git Commands: Common commands you will use

Updated 16th August 2022

In this post, I will show you some common Git commands, how to use them and explain exactly what they do. By the end of this post, you will know “How to Git”. What is Git? First, let’s learn what GIT is. What benefits as a developer do you get from using GIT? And learn

How to generate an SSH key and add to authorized_keys

Updated 16th August 2022

In this article we explain how to generate a SSH key for your local machine and add your public key to the authorized_keys on a remote server. Generate an SSH key for Windows, MAC and Linux Note: If you are using Windows, we recommend you use a SSH client like PuTTY. For MAC/Linux run: ssh-keygen

5 Tools to test website responsiveness

Updated 2nd December 2023

If you are concerned with providing a great experience to users and potential customers on mobile devices, or you are concerned with your SEO rankings, then you need a reliable way to confidently test website responsiveness. How website responsiveness affects SEO It is widely known that search engines rank websites higher if they perform well