How to use Microsoft Graph API with Laravel
Updated 1st January 2024
Microsoft Graph is a gateway to data and intelligence within Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph is great to build apps for organizations and consumers using the vast amount of data stored in Microsoft 365. In this post, we are going to integrate with Microsoft Graph API in Laravel to get all users assigned to your tenant.
How to install PostGIS
Updated 2nd October 2023
PostGIS is a plugin which adds support for storing, indexing and querying geographic data in PostgreSQL databases. To get started with PostGIS, you will need to install the extension on your PostgreSQL database. If you are using PostgreSQL as a service from a cloud provider, you may already have PostGIS installed. How to check if
2022 PHP Usage Statistics
Updated 16th August 2022
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is the most popular language used on the web. Around 77.6% of all websites run PHP in some way as of April 2022. PHP has been the driving force behind the growth of the web, but is it slowly dying? Let’s look at some PHP usage statistics. Why is PHP so popular?
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