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North American total solar eclipse April 2024

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How to exclude an IP Address from Google Analytics

Updated 16th August 2022

Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking your website traffic, analyzing trends, and seeing the fruits of your labor if you’re currently trying out a new marketing strategy. However, if you’re like me and on your website a lot, the last thing you want is to unintentionally pollute your Google Analytics data. In this

The ULTIMATE guide to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL and PHP

Updated 16th August 2022

Windows is now good for development! Yes! All thanks to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). No more WAMP or Xampp, WSL can do everything you need. In this ultimate guide to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL, and PHP we will cover: What is Windows Subsystem for Linux? Setting up Windows Subsystem

WordPress wp-admin redirects to HTTPS

Updated 18th May 2021

Does your WordPress wp-admin redirect to https rather than http? Below is a simple tutorial to stop this from happening. First, check the siteurl in the wp_options table within your database. Make sure the option_value is your site address with http:// not https://. If your siteurl is set as http:// the try the following. Open