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WordPress wp-admin redirects to HTTPS

Updated 18th May 2021

Does your WordPress wp-admin redirect to https rather than http? Below is a simple tutorial to stop this from happening. First, check the siteurl in the wp_options table within your database. Make sure the option_value is your site address with http:// not https://. If your siteurl is set as http:// the try the following. Open

What are next-gen image formats?

Updated 17th March 2022

Google Page Insights is a useful tool used to report on the performance of webpages on both mobile and desktop devices and provide suggestions on how the page can be improved. A common suggestion many websites are given is ‘Serve images in next-gen formats’, but what are next-gen image formats? Next-gen image formats provide superior

Setting up SSH with BitBucket

Updated 16th August 2022

Setting up your project using a remote repository over SSH can become a painful task for new and even the most seasoned developers. In this article we cover how to set up BitBucket SSH. Repositories not found, incorrect permissions and issues when using your SSH key can all occur, and become very stressful. Below are