
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

Javascript usage and popularity

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Pixel Tracking in PHP

Updated 16th August 2022

When creating email campaigns, it’s important to know how many recipients actually opened your email. This information can help you determine if your efforts are working or if it’s time to change your strategy. Most mail champaign tools such as Mailchimp and SendInBlue use a technique called Pixel Tracking. In this post, you will learn

React JSX Error – Adjacent tags must be wrapped in an enclosing tag

Updated 17th March 2022

React is a popular and powerful library used by developers across the world. Initially released by Facebook in 2013, React has seen widespread adoption for its faster rendering, stable code and its helpful developer tool set such as the React Developer Tools browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. However, there are a number of reasons

Laravel 9: How to Add a New Column to an Existing Table in a Migration

Updated 1st October 2023

Laravel has a number of features designed to make developing web applications easier and faster. Migrations in Laravel allows us to manage the structure of our databases. In this post, you will learn how to add a new column to an existing table in a migration. Create a new migration file First, we need to