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[SOLVED 2022] Permission denied in WSL: Apache2 startup failed

Updated 10th June 2022

Windows Subsystem for Linux is a great tool for Web Developers using the Windows operating system. With the release of WSL2 which brought the introduction of a real Linux Kernal, the environment saw huge speed improvements, cementing itself as the preferred development environment for many developers. However, some Windows updates have proven to cause problems

How to transform geometries with PostGIS

Updated 2nd October 2023

PostGIS is a power extention for PostgreSQL databases. It provides a suite of tools to handle and manipulate geographic data. At times, you may need to transform geometries with PostGIS for different base maps or to perform more accurate calculations, such as calculating the area of a polygon. Transform geometry with PostGIS PostGIS has a

Create SSH Connections in DBeaver

Updated 16th August 2022

In this post, I will show you step-by-step how to Create SSH Connections in DBeaver. Create SSH Connections in DBeaver First, select the Create New Connection option found in the top right. This will open a window to select the database driver. In this example, I will be creating an SSH connection to a MySQL