How to install PostGIS
Updated 2nd October 2023
PostGIS is a plugin which adds support for storing, indexing and querying geographic data in PostgreSQL databases. To get started with PostGIS, you will need to install the extension on your PostgreSQL database. If you are using PostgreSQL as a service from a cloud provider, you may already have PostGIS installed. How to check if
How Semantic HTML Tags Can Improve Your Website’s SEO
Updated 18th December 2023
In this post, I will help you understand HTML semantic tags and how they can’t help improve your website’s SEO. I will also help you understand the meaning of Technical SEO and what steps you should take to increase your website’s SEO score to help drive more traffic. What are HTML semantic tags? Semantic tags,
What is a Cron Job and how to write to the Crontab
Updated 10th December 2023
The need to schedule tasks on a machine is common for any Software Developer, System Admin or IT professional, so it’s important to learn what a cron job is and how to write to the crontab. What is CRON? Cron is a daemon built-in to most Unix-like operating systems such as: Cron reads the crontab (cron tables)
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