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Destructuring in JavaScript

Updated 16th August 2022

Introduced in ES6, Destructuring in JavaScript is a way to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. What is a use-case of Destructuring in JavaScript? Until ES6, if we wanted to extract data from an array we would have to do something similar to: let message = ; let greeting

What is a front-end application?

Updated 16th August 2022

What is a front-end application? If you’re new to Web Development, there may be many terms you hear that you’re unsure what they mean. Don’t worry, this is all part of the learning experience and you will pick these terms up as you progress in your journey to becoming a web developer. In this post,

Pixel Tracking in PHP

Updated 16th August 2022

When creating email campaigns, it’s important to know how many recipients actually opened your email. This information can help you determine if your efforts are working or if it’s time to change your strategy. Most mail champaign tools such as Mailchimp and SendInBlue use a technique called Pixel Tracking. In this post, you will learn