
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

Angular CLI Output

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JDBC Connector Communication link failure error to MySQL

Updated 3rd January 2024

Are you having trouble connecting to a MySQL database through JDBC Connector in a database management tool such as DBeaver Community Edition? DBeaver fails to connect to a local MySQL database with the error “Communication link failure the last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago“. Here is a breakdown of this

Destructuring in JavaScript

Updated 16th August 2022

Introduced in ES6, Destructuring in JavaScript is a way to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. What is a use-case of Destructuring in JavaScript? Until ES6, if we wanted to extract data from an array we would have to do something similar to: let message = ; let greeting

Create SSH Connections in DBeaver

Updated 16th August 2022

In this post, I will show you step-by-step how to Create SSH Connections in DBeaver. Create SSH Connections in DBeaver First, select the Create New Connection option found in the top right. This will open a window to select the database driver. In this example, I will be creating an SSH connection to a MySQL