What is a Cron Job and how to write to the Crontab
Updated 10th December 2023
The need to schedule tasks on a machine is common for any Software Developer, System Admin or IT professional, so it’s important to learn what a cron job is and how to write to the crontab. What is CRON? Cron is a daemon built-in to most Unix-like operating systems such as: Cron reads the crontab (cron tables)
What are next-gen image formats?
Updated 17th March 2022
Google Page Insights is a useful tool used to report on the performance of webpages on both mobile and desktop devices and provide suggestions on how the page can be improved. A common suggestion many websites are given is ‘Serve images in next-gen formats’, but what are next-gen image formats? Next-gen image formats provide superior
How to setup a remote MySQL database connection in PHPStorm
Updated 1st October 2023
PHPStorm is packed full of features designed to make the development process for PHP developers efficient and streamlined. Although Jetbrains have a standalone product for interacting with databases, named DataGrip, PHPStrom ships with the Database Tools and SQL plugin. This tools is powerful, integrated directly within the IDE, and provides a convinient way to intract
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