
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

Microsoft Graph API with Laravel

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Bootstrap 4 Grid System broken in Safari

Updated 18th May 2021

Are you having troubles with Bootstrap 4 Grid System in Safari? What used to work doesn’t seem to anymore within Safari. As the example below shows, this is how we usually create 3 columns within a row. <div class="row"> <div class="col-4">Column 4</div> <div class="col-4">Column 4</div> <div class="col-4">Column 4</div> </div> However, in Safari, instead of these

WordPress wp-admin redirects to HTTPS

Updated 18th May 2021

Does your WordPress wp-admin redirect to https rather than http? Below is a simple tutorial to stop this from happening. First, check the siteurl in the wp_options table within your database. Make sure the option_value is your site address with http:// not https://. If your siteurl is set as http:// the try the following. Open

The state of JavaScript in 2024

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You don’t need me to tell you JavaScript is the most popular programming language. Influenced by Java and released in 1995, after only 10 days of development, as of January 2024, JavaScript can be found on 98.8% of all websites. It’s no wonder why JavaScript has gained such popularity. JavaScript’s versatility and lower barrier to