How to set up SSH on Raspberry Pi
Updated 16th August 2022
In this post, I am going to show you how to set up SSH on a Raspberry Pi. Step 1: Raspberry Pi config menu First, open a new terminal and execute the command below to open the Raspberry Pi config menu. sudo rasps-config Select “Interfacing Options” and press ENTER. Then select “SSH” and press ENTER.
List of programming languages used for Web Development
Updated 16th August 2022
There are a wide variety of programming languages that can be used for web development. Which one you choose depends on your preferences and needs. Some languages are better suited for certain tasks than others. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular languages used for web development. JavaScript PHP
[SOLVED 2022] Permission denied in WSL: Apache2 startup failed
Updated 10th June 2022
Windows Subsystem for Linux is a great tool for Web Developers using the Windows operating system. With the release of WSL2 which brought the introduction of a real Linux Kernal, the environment saw huge speed improvements, cementing itself as the preferred development environment for many developers. However, some Windows updates have proven to cause problems
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