How to setup a remote MySQL database connection in PHPStorm
Updated 1st October 2023
PHPStorm is packed full of features designed to make the development process for PHP developers efficient and streamlined. Although Jetbrains have a standalone product for interacting with databases, named DataGrip, PHPStrom ships with the Database Tools and SQL plugin. This tools is powerful, integrated directly within the IDE, and provides a convinient way to intract
What is a CDN and should you be using a one?
Updated 16th August 2022
In this post, we are going to take a closer look at how CDN’s (Content Delivery Networks) work and what the advantages and disadvantages are of using a CDN to delivery your users static assets such as images, CSS files or JavaScript files. You will learn what a CDN does exactly, how it can prevent
How to Upload and Download files to and from a Linux server over SSH
Updated 16th August 2022
Its common place to need to upload and download files to and from a remote Linux server. To upload and download files from a remote Linux server you can use the scp (secure copy) command. To download a file you can use: To upload a file you can use: scp /path/to/file/your/uploading username@ip-or-server-name:/path/to/location/to/upload/to Note: It is
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