Laravel 419 page expired after login [SOLVED]
Updated 1st January 2024
Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, dominating the space since 2014, and the chosen framework by many new PHP developers. Many new developers run into the same errors when first using the framework, the most common being a 419 Page Expired error on a form post. What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? Cross-site request
5 Tools to test website responsiveness
Updated 2nd December 2023
If you are concerned with providing a great experience to users and potential customers on mobile devices, or you are concerned with your SEO rankings, then you need a reliable way to confidently test website responsiveness. How website responsiveness affects SEO It is widely known that search engines rank websites higher if they perform well
Prevent Chrome and Firefox auto-filling password
Updated 16th August 2022
Do you have a user management page where users are able to update their account passwords? Do you have form validation that checks a password field against a confirmation password field but the validation fails because the browser has auto-filled the values? In this article, you will learn how to prevent Chrome and Firefox from
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