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What is an IP Address and how to find yours

Updated 16th August 2022

You may have heard the term “IP Address” and not sure what it actually means. In this article you’ll learn what an IP Address is and how to find yours. In short, an IP Address is a unique string of characters that identifies a device over a network. Every device that connects to an internet

Understand Angular Decorators – What is a Decorator in Angular?

Updated 29th March 2022

Decorators are a core concept when developing applications with Angular. Angular.js, Angular’s predecessor, didn’t use Decorators, opting to use methods such as .component() instead. In this post, I will help you understand Angular decorators. What is a Decorator? A Decorator is a special kind of declaration provided by TypeScript that can be attached to a

How to create Alias command in Linux

Updated 16th August 2022

Alias commands in Linux are a great way to speed up your workflow. In this post, I will show you how to create Alias command in Linux using Bash on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). What is an Alias command? The alias command in Linux allows you to create custom shortcuts for frequently used commands.