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How to access Laravel env variables in Vue.js | Laravel MIX

Updated 16th August 2022

Using Laravel and Vue together is a common approach as it allows the MVC framework to handle the logic, and an application-like user interface for the frontend. Learn how to use Laravel environment variables in Vue.js. MIX Environment Varaibles Vue js files are compiled by Laravel Mix. To have Mix compile your environment variables from

Laravel 9: How to Add a New Column to an Existing Table in a Migration

Updated 1st October 2023

Laravel has a number of features designed to make developing web applications easier and faster. Migrations in Laravel allows us to manage the structure of our databases. In this post, you will learn how to add a new column to an existing table in a migration. Create a new migration file First, we need to

What is the Lexing stage in PHP

Updated 10th December 2023

Lexing is a phase the PHP interpreter undergoes while interpreting the source code written. Lexing, is the first of four overall steps performed by the PHP interpreter. Steps in the PHP Interpreter The PHP interpreter undergoes a total of four steps before executing the code written. What is Lexing in PHP Lexical analysis, also known