The ULTIMATE guide to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL and PHP
Updated 16th August 2022
Windows is now good for development! Yes! All thanks to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). No more WAMP or Xampp, WSL can do everything you need. In this ultimate guide to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL, and PHP we will cover: What is Windows Subsystem for Linux? Setting up Windows Subsystem
React JSX Error – Adjacent tags must be wrapped in an enclosing tag
Updated 17th March 2022
React is a popular and powerful library used by developers across the world. Initially released by Facebook in 2013, React has seen widespread adoption for its faster rendering, stable code and its helpful developer tool set such as the React Developer Tools browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. However, there are a number of reasons
How to create Alias command in Linux
Updated 16th August 2022
Alias commands in Linux are a great way to speed up your workflow. In this post, I will show you how to create Alias command in Linux using Bash on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). What is an Alias command? The alias command in Linux allows you to create custom shortcuts for frequently used commands.
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