
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

Tenis for two - the first ever video game in 1958

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IPtables – How to block and unblock IP Addresses in Linux

Updated 14th December 2023

Not long ago, I noticed some strange activity on a server I manage. The server, running Ubuntu 22.04, was receiving high volumes of traffic from a single IP Address. After some investigation, I decided the activity resembled that of web scrapping, so I decided to block the IP Address. Iptables or ufw I hear you

5 Reasons to Use an IDE for Programming

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If you’re a programmer, then you know how important it is to have the right tools for the job. And one of the most important tools for any programmer is an IDE, or integrated development environment. Let’s look at some reasons to use an IDE. What is an IDE? An IDE is a suite of

What is a front-end application?

Updated 16th August 2022

What is a front-end application? If you’re new to Web Development, there may be many terms you hear that you’re unsure what they mean. Don’t worry, this is all part of the learning experience and you will pick these terms up as you progress in your journey to becoming a web developer. In this post,