
By Dillon Smart · · · 0 Comments

A fear of balloons is called Globophobia

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React JSX Error – Adjacent tags must be wrapped in an enclosing tag

Updated 17th March 2022

React is a popular and powerful library used by developers across the world. Initially released by Facebook in 2013, React has seen widespread adoption for its faster rendering, stable code and its helpful developer tool set such as the React Developer Tools browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. However, there are a number of reasons

How to use Microsoft Graph API with Laravel

Updated 1st January 2024

Microsoft Graph is a gateway to data and intelligence within Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph is great to build apps for organizations and consumers using the vast amount of data stored in Microsoft 365. In this post, we are going to integrate with Microsoft Graph API in Laravel to get all users assigned to your tenant.

IPtables – How to block and unblock IP Addresses in Linux

Updated 14th December 2023

Not long ago, I noticed some strange activity on a server I manage. The server, running Ubuntu 22.04, was receiving high volumes of traffic from a single IP Address. After some investigation, I decided the activity resembled that of web scrapping, so I decided to block the IP Address. Iptables or ufw I hear you