PHP Numeric Literal Separator
Updated 14th December 2023
First introduced in PHP 7.4, the Numeric Literal Separator in PHP makes large integers within your code easy to read. Naturally, we find it easier to read number which are grouped, for example, 1,650,000. Using the numeric literal separator in PHP Since PHP 7.4, we can now use numbers like this: Adding an underscore between
How to exclude an IP Address from Google Analytics
Updated 16th August 2022
Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking your website traffic, analyzing trends, and seeing the fruits of your labor if you’re currently trying out a new marketing strategy. However, if you’re like me and on your website a lot, the last thing you want is to unintentionally pollute your Google Analytics data. In this
Git Commands: Common commands you will use
Updated 16th August 2022
In this post, I will show you some common Git commands, how to use them and explain exactly what they do. By the end of this post, you will know “How to Git”. What is Git? First, let’s learn what GIT is. What benefits as a developer do you get from using GIT? And learn
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