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How to Upload and Download files to and from a Linux server over SSH

Updated 16th August 2022

Its common place to need to upload and download files to and from a remote Linux server. To upload and download files from a remote Linux server you can use the scp (secure copy) command. To download a file you can use: To upload a file you can use: scp /path/to/file/your/uploading username@ip-or-server-name:/path/to/location/to/upload/to Note: It is

PHP Numeric Literal Separator

Updated 14th December 2023

First introduced in PHP 7.4, the Numeric Literal Separator in PHP makes large integers within your code easy to read. Naturally, we find it easier to read number which are grouped, for example, 1,650,000. Using the numeric literal separator in PHP Since PHP 7.4, we can now use numbers like this: Adding an underscore between

IPtables – How to block and unblock IP Addresses in Linux

Updated 14th December 2023

Not long ago, I noticed some strange activity on a server I manage. The server, running Ubuntu 22.04, was receiving high volumes of traffic from a single IP Address. After some investigation, I decided the activity resembled that of web scrapping, so I decided to block the IP Address. Iptables or ufw I hear you