30th January 2024
The longest runway in the world is 16,404 ft long - Learn more
The state of JavaScript in 2024
Updated 12th January 2024

You don’t need me to tell you JavaScript is the most popular programming language. Influenced by Java and released in 1995, after only 10 days of development, as of January 2024, JavaScript can be found on 98.8% of all websites. It’s no wonder why JavaScript has gained such popularity. JavaScript’s versatility and lower barrier to
What’s the difference between AWS Regions and AWS Availability Zones
Updated 3rd January 2024

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is built with scalability and high availability at its heart. Not too long ago, I took the AWS Cloud Practitioner class and passed the AWS Cloud Essentials exam, with the hope of achieving the Cloud Practioner certification soon. During the class, I noticed it was easy to get muddled between AWS
Attempt to assign property post_content on null – Critical WordPress Error
Updated 28th December 2023
Are you seeing an error when creating new posts or pages in WordPress? Attempt to assign property post_content on null A bad database migration likely causes the error. I have experienced this error when exporting a WordPress database using the database export tool built into PHPStorm through an SSH tunnel to set up a WordPress
What is a Cron Job and how to write to the Crontab
Updated 10th December 2023
The need to schedule tasks on a machine is common for any Software Developer, System Admin or IT professional, so it’s important to learn what a cron job is and how to write to the crontab. What is CRON? Cron is a daemon built-in to most Unix-like operating systems such as: Cron reads the crontab (cron tables)
IPtables – How to block and unblock IP Addresses in Linux
Updated 14th December 2023

Not long ago, I noticed some strange activity on a server I manage. The server, running Ubuntu 22.04, was receiving high volumes of traffic from a single IP Address. After some investigation, I decided the activity resembled that of web scrapping, so I decided to block the IP Address. Iptables or ufw I hear you
What is the Lexing stage in PHP
Updated 10th December 2023
Lexing is a phase the PHP interpreter undergoes while interpreting the source code written. Lexing, is the first of four overall steps performed by the PHP interpreter. Steps in the PHP Interpreter The PHP interpreter undergoes a total of four steps before executing the code written. What is Lexing in PHP Lexical analysis, also known
PHP Numeric Literal Separator
Updated 14th December 2023
First introduced in PHP 7.4, the Numeric Literal Separator in PHP makes large integers within your code easy to read. Naturally, we find it easier to read number which are grouped, for example, 1,650,000. Using the numeric literal separator in PHP Since PHP 7.4, we can now use numbers like this: Adding an underscore between
5 Tools to test website responsiveness
Updated 2nd December 2023
If you are concerned with providing a great experience to users and potential customers on mobile devices, or you are concerned with your SEO rankings, then you need a reliable way to confidently test website responsiveness. How website responsiveness affects SEO It is widely known that search engines rank websites higher if they perform well
SQL Union – What is a Union and how to combine two or more SQL Select queries
Updated 1st December 2023
The SQL UNION Operator is used to combine two or more SELECT statements together into one set of results. Things to know about SQL Union Operator To execute a SQL UNION statement successfully, you need to be away of the requirements of a UNION statement. Example using SQL UNION In our example we have 2
How to transform geometries with PostGIS
Updated 2nd October 2023

PostGIS is a power extention for PostgreSQL databases. It provides a suite of tools to handle and manipulate geographic data. At times, you may need to transform geometries with PostGIS for different base maps or to perform more accurate calculations, such as calculating the area of a polygon. Transform geometry with PostGIS PostGIS has a